7 Chords used in the song: G, Em, Am, D, C, A, Bm7
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Transpose chords:
G Em
Sneak heroine, just a man
Am D
Slow on the draw
G Em
Velvet gloves, you're still a stunner
Am D
Don't be down, girl, this world is a bummer
Queen of the rodeo
Am C
You rode on in with nowhere else to go
You know the tune so the words don't matter
Am C
Beyond this town lies a life much sadder
Babe, I know
D Am
Another evening to show
C Bm7
Queen of the rodeo
G Em
Sweet Mary Lynne, satin gown
Am D
Hard to ignore
G Em
Starry-eyed, a little younger
Am D
The night is long, your days are numbered
Queen of the rodeo
Am C
You're in and out with nowhere else to go
You know the tune so the words don't matter
Am C
Beyond this town lies a life much sadder
Babe, I know
D Am
Another evening to show
D Am C Em
I see you around
D Am C Em
Still around
D Am C Em
Still around
D Am C Em
Steal the crown
G Em
Sneak heroine, just a man
Am D
Slow on the draw
G Em
They play your song, is it another?
Am D
Don't be down, girl, this world is a bummer
Queen of the rodeo
Am C
You rode on in with nowhere else to go
You know the tune so the words don't matter
Am C
Beyond this town lies a life much sadder
Babe, I know
D Am
Another evening to show
C Bm7
Queen of the rodeo
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About this song: Queen Of The Rodeo
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