Play songs by Radiohead on your Uke
125 songs (44 tabs and 81 chords)
Top Tabs & Chords by Radiohead, don't miss these songs!
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There are 125 Radiohead Ukulele tabs and chords in database
- chords 15 StepRate song!
- tab 15 StepRate song!
- chords All I Need
- chords Anyone Can Play Guitar
- chords Banana CoRate song!
- chords Black StarRate song!
- mix BodysnatchersRate song!
- mix Bones
- chords Bullet Proof... I Wish I Was Riff
- chords Climbing Up The WallsRate song!
- chords Climbing Up The Walls
- chords Codex
- chords Creep
- chords Creep Riff
- chords Creep [ Rate ] Rate song!
- mix Creep
- chords Creep
- chords Creep
- mix Creep
- chords Creep Part
- chords Creep
- chords Creep
- chords Creep
- chords Creep RiffRate song!
- chords Creep
- chords Creep
- tab Creep PartRate song!
- chords CreepRate song!
- chords Creep
- chords Creep
- chords Creep
- chords CreepRate song!
- chords Daydreaming PartRate song!
- tab Everything In Its Right Place
- chords Exit Music (for A Film)
- chords Exit Music (for A Film)
- chords Exit Music (for A Film)
- chords Fake Plastic Tree (acoustic)Rate song!
- chords Fake Plastic Trees
- chords Fake Plastic Trees
- mix Fake Plastic Trees
- chords Go Slowly RiffRate song!
- chords High And Dry Part
- chords High And Dry [ Rate ] Rate song!
- tab High And Dry Riff
- chords High And Dry
- chords House Of CardsRate song!
- mix House Of CardsRate song!
- chords How To Dissapear CompletelyRate song!
- chords I Will
- chords Idioteque
- chords Jigsaw Falling Into PlaceRate song!
- tab Just
- chords Just
- chords Just
- chords Karma Police
- chords Karma Police
- mix Karma Police
- chords Karma Police
- tab Karma PoliceRate song!
- chords Kid ARate song!
- chords Knives Out
- chords Knives Out
- mix Last Flowers
- chords Let Down
- chords Lotus Flower Part
- mix Lucky Part
- chords Man Of WarRate song!
- chords Morning Bell
- chords Motion Picture Soundtrack [ Rate ] Rate song!
- chords Motion Picture Soundtrack
- tab My Iron Lung
- chords Nice Dream
- mix No SuprisesRate song!
- tab No Suprises
- tab No Suprises
- chords No Suprises PartRate song!
- mix No Surprises
- mix No Surprises [ Rate ] Rate song!
- tab No Surprises
- chords No Surprises
- chords No Surprises Part
- mix No Surprises
- mix No Surprises [ Rate ] Rate song!
- mix No Surprises
- chords No SurprisesRate song!
- tab No Surprises
- tab No Surprises
- mix No Surprises [ Rate ] Rate song!
- chords No Surprises [ Rate ] Rate song!
- mix No Surprises
- mix No Surprises
- mix Nude
- chords NudeRate song!
- chords Nude - For Soprano Ukulele In C
- mix Palo Alto PartRate song!
- mix Paranoid Android
- chords Paranoid Android
- chords Paranoid Android
- mix Paranoid Android [ Rate ] Rate song!
- mix Paranoid Android
- mix Paranoid AndroidRate song!
- chords Polyethylene (parts 1 And 2)Rate song!
- chords Pop Is DeadRate song!
- chords Present Tense
- chords Pyramid Song RiffRate song!
- chords Pyramid SongRate song!
- chords Reckoner Riff
- tab Reckoner
- chords Street Spirit (fade Out) Part
- tab Street Spirit (fade Out) PartRate song!
- chords Subterranean Homesick AlienRate song!
- mix Subterranean Homesick AlienRate song!
- tab Talk Show Host Part
- mix The BendsRate song!
- tab The National Anthem Part
- chords The Tourist
- chords True Love Waits
- tab True Love Waits
- chords VideotapeRate song!
- mix Weird Fishes PartRate song!
- chords Weird Fishes Arpeggi
- chords You Intro
- chords You
- chords You And Whose Army
Radiohead Albums
Biography Radiohead
Radiohead are an English alternative rock band from Abingdon, Oxfordshire. The band is composed of Thom Yorke (lead vocals, rhythm guitar, piano, beats), Jonny Greenwood (lead guitar, keyboard, other instruments), Ed O'Brien (guitar, backing vocals), Colin Greenwood (bass guitar) and Phil Selway (drums, percussion). Radiohead released their first single, "Creep," in 1992. The song was initially unsuccessful, but it became a worldwide hit several months after the release of their debut album, Pablo Honey (1993).
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