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Top Tabs & Chords by Bo Burnham, don't miss these songs!
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There are 61 Bo Burnham Ukulele tabs and chords in database
- chords #deep
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- chords From God's Perspective
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- mix Kill Yourself
- chords Kill YourselfRate song!
- chords Kill Youself
- chords Little Adolf
- chords Look Who's Inside AgainRate song!
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- chords Lower Your Expectations
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- chords My Whole Family
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- chords Oh BoRate song!
- chords Oh My GodRate song!
- mix Perfect Woman
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- chords ProblematicRate song!
- chords Repeat Stuff PartRate song!
- chords Repeat Stuff
- chords Sad
- mix Sad Part
- mix Sad
- chords Sad
- chords Straight White Male
- chords Straight White Male
- mix Stuck In A RoomRate song!
- chords Stuck In Your Room (trying)
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- chords The ChickenRate song!
- chords This Funny FeelingRate song!
- chords Welcome To The Internet
- chords Welcome To YoutubeRate song!
- chords White Woman's Instagram
- chords Words Words WordsRate song!
Bo Burnham Albums
Biography Bo Burnham
Bo Burnham (born August 21, 1990 in Hamilton, Massachusetts, United States) is a comedian, musician and singer/songwriter. Burnham originally found fame through YouTube before being signed to Comedy Central Records in 2008. Burnham has released two studio albums and an EP: "Bo Fo Sho - EP" (2008), "Bo Burnham" (2009) and "Words Words Words" (2010). Burnham's March 2009 "Comedy Central Presents" special made him the youngest comedian to have appeared on the program.
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