4 Chords used in the song: F#m, D, Bm, A
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For this simplified version, whole song revolves around F#m, D, Bm for the verses
then A, Bm, F#m on post-chors & chorus
F#m ; D ; Bm
He goes to work on his computer
He thinks about his gun at home
One day he's gonna be a shooter
F#m D Bm
He's gonna bring his gun to work
He thinks about the ones who wronged him
Oh, and the punishments they'll face
But things, they would play out much different
F#m D Bm
Back in the time when we were apes
A Bm
F#m ; D ; Bm
When everybody was a monkey, ha
We had to fight just to survive
And now you got yourself a weapon
F#m D Bm
You think you choose who lives or dies
But when we had hairy arms and legs
And you were still swimming 'round in a lake
Yeah, you were still a troglodyte
F#m D Bm
You just evolved a bit too late
A Bm F#m
You ain't no ape, you're a troglodyte
A Bm A Bm F#m
You ain't no ape, you're a troglodyte, yte, yte
(same structure for the whole song)
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About this song: Troglodyte
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