13 Chords used in the song: C, C#, G7, Cmaj7, Am7, Dm, C7, F, Fm, E7, Am, D7, A7
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# Intro (2 x)
:C C#Dim7 G7:
# Chorus 1
C Cmaj7 Am7 C
Jingle bell, xxxxxxx xxxx, xxxxxx xxxx rock
Am7 C#Dim7 G7
xxxxxx xxxxx swing xxx xxxxxx xxxxx ring
Dm G7 Dm G7
Snowing xxx xxxxxxx xx xxxxxxx xx fun
Dm G7 H7
Now the xxxxxx xxx xxx begun
C Cmaj7 Am7 C
Jingle xxxx, xxxxxx xxxx, xxxxxx xxxx rock
Am7 C#Dim7 G7
xxxxxx xxxxx chime xx xxxxxx xxxx time
Dm G7 Dm G7
Dancing xxx xxxxxxxx xx xxxxxx xxxx Square
Dm G7 C C7
xx xxx xxxxx air.
# Bridge
F Fm
xxxx x bright xxxx, xxxx xxx right xxxx
C G7 C E7
xx xxxx xxx xxxxx xxxx
Am D7 G7
xxxxxx xxxx xxxx xx x swell xxxx
C#Dim7 G7
xx xx gliding xx x xxx-xxxxx sleigh
# Chorus 2
C Cmaj7 Am7 C
Giddy-xx xxxxxx xxxxx, xxxx xx xxxx xxxx
Am A7 F
xxxxxx xxxxxx xxx clock
F Fm D7
Mix xxx xxxxxx xx xxx xxxxxxx beat
G7 D7 G7
That's xxx xxxxxx bell, that's xxx xxxxxx xxxx
D7 G7 C F C
That's xxx xxxxxx xxxx rock
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About this song: Jingle Bell Rock
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