4 Chords used in the song: F, C, G, Am

View these chords for the Baritone
Transpose chords:
i could never pretend i don't love you
you could never pretend that i'm your man
thats exactly the way that i want it
thats exactly the way that i am
and you'll call me in the mornin with your troubles
takin it downtown every night
i could never place the stars at night above ya
got my hands on the ground cuz you know i'm right
you wait so long
its a coffe stain on earth every time it happens
laugh it up honey it ain't that bad
and the after thought rose to recognition
like eery other coffin that i had
then your feelin broke down in winamuck
you fall to your knees and you pray to the lord
then you take a poke at the politicians
nothing happens in this burnt out town anymore
you wait so long
and your heart rolls on like a frozen freight train
you know that i'll help you if i can
but i'm just a raindrop in a riVer
just an itty bitty grain of sand
and you know that i'm doom to repeat this
with all the bad habits that i learned
but its better than your fiber fornication
and all the dirty money that you earned
you wait so long
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