4 Chords used in the song: D, Em, G, A

View these chords for the Baritone
Transpose chords:
#D #Em #G #A
#D #Em
We're far apart in every way
#G #A
But you're the best part of my day
#D #Em
And sure as I breathe the air
#G #A
I know we are the perfect pair
#Em #G
On a prickly path that goes on for
#D #A
#Em #G
But it's worth it just to see you
#D #A
#D #Em
And I cannot be pulled apart
#G #A
From the hold you have on my heart
#D #Em
And even if the world tells us it's
#G #A
wrong...you're in my head like a catchy song
#D #Em #G #A
#D #Em
The seasons change and leaves may fall
#G #A
But I'll be with you through them all
#D #Em
And rain or shine, you'll always be
#G #A
#Em #G
On a prickly path that goes on for
#D #A
#Em #G
You're the only one who makes it all
#D #A
#D #Em
And you should not blame me, too
#G #A
If I can't help fallin' in love with you...
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About this song: You're In My Head Like A Catchy Song
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