18 Chords used in the song: Em7, A7, DM7, D6, D, G#m7, C#7, F#, F#6, Fm7, B7, Gdim, Em, F#m7, B+, Cdim, Gm, G
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Transpose chords:
Em7 A7 Em7 A7
Pic - ture you up - on my knee,
DM7 D6 DM7 D6
Tea for two and two for tea;
Em7 A7 Em7 A7 D D6
Just me for you and you for me a - lone.
G#m7 C#7 G#m7 C#7
No - bod - y near us to see us or hear us,
F# F#6 F# F#6
No friends or re - la - tions on week - end va - ca - tions,
G#m7 C#7
We won't have it known, dear,
G#m7 C#7 F# Fm7
That we own a tel - e - phone, dear;
Em7 A7 Em7 A7
Day will break, and you'll a - wake,
DM7 D6 DM7 D6
And start to bake a su - gar cake;
Em7 A7 Em7 A7 B7 Gdim B7
For me to take for all the boys to see.
Em F#m7 B+ B7
We will raise a fam - i - ly,
Cdim Em Gm A7
A boy for you, a girl for me,
G A7 Em7 A7 D
Oh, can't you see how hap - py we would be?
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About this song: Tea For Two
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