6 Chords used in the song: G, D, Em, C, Bm, F
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Chords transposed Down 4 Half-steps. (Back to Original version)
Transpose chords:
# Intro D# / A# / Cm / G#
D# A# Cm Gm
So you're leaving in the morning on the early train
G# A# G# A#
But I could say everything's alright, And I could pretend and say goodbye
D# A# Cm Gm
Got your ticket, got your suitcase, got your leaving smile
G# A# G# A#
I could say that's the way it goes and I could pretend and you won?t know
Cm A# Gm / A#
That I was crying
# Chorus
D# A# G# D# A# G#
Cause I can't stop loving you, no I can't stop loving you
D# A# G# C# G#
No I can't stop loving you, though I tried
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