8 Chords used in the song: Bm, Em, G, C, F#, D, F#7, A
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Tuning: Standard
Capo: 1 (If you don't have a capo, transpose this chordsheet UP by 1 half-steps - click
the up arrow once)
- You may find it easier to play it with the capo on 3. To do that, click the down arrow twice next to transpose and play with capo 3.
Intro: (This should be simpler than the other intros online. All finger positions relative to capo.)
h = hammer
p = pull-off (The finger positioning for the pull-off maybe difficult, so you can
instead play the first measure again)
*If you're playing with the Capo on 1:*
Bm Em G Bm Em C
*If you're playing with the Capo on 3:*
You can play this in many ways.
- You can either play Bm for the entire verse, but it sounds a bit monotonous.
- Another option is to continue playing the intro tab.
- You can also play the *chords* corresponding to the intro. Like this:
Bm Em G Bm Em C
I wanna be the girl under you
Bm Em G Bm
I wanna be your G.U.Y, oh yeah
Em C Bm Em G Bm Em C
I wanna be the grave and earth you
Bm Em G Bm
Our sexes tell us no lies.
If you find the chords transitioning to fast, then you can play a simpler version, which
sounds good too:
Bm G
I wanna be the girl under you
Em G Bm
I wanna be your G.U.Y, oh yeah
(G) Bm G
I wanna be the grave and earth you
Em G Bm
Our sexes tell us no lies.
G Bm
I'm gonna wear the tie, want the power to leave you
F# D
I'm aimin' for full control of this love!
Touch me, touch me, don't be sweet
Love me, love me, please retweet
G F#7
Let me be the girl under you that makes you cry
I wanna be that G.U.Y.
Em Bm
I wanna be that G.U.Y.
A Bm C G
I wanna be that G.U.Y.
Em Bm A Bm C
The girl under you, G.U.Y.
Bm Em G Bm Em C
I'm gonna say the word and own you
Bm Em G Bm
You'll be my G.I.R.L
Em C Bm Em G Bm Em C
Guy, I'm romancin' loves to hold you
Bm Em G Bm
Know you'll wear my make-up well!
(Again, if it's difficult, you can play the easier version as I've written in Verse 1)
G Bm
I'm gonna wear the tie, want the power to leave you
F# D
I'm aimin' for full control of this love!
Touch me, touch me, don't be sweet
Love me, love me, please retweet
G F#7
Let me be the girl under you that makes you cry
I wanna be that G.U.Y.
Em Bm
I wanna be that G.U.Y.
A Bm C G
I wanna be that G.U.Y.
Em Bm A Bm C
The girl under you, G.U.Y.
I don't need to be on top to know I'm worth it
Bm A D F#
Cause I'm strong enough to know the truth
I just want it to be hot
Bm A D F#
Because I'm best when I'm in love and I'm in love with you
Interlude: Em Em G C x2
Touch me, touch me, don't be shy
I'm in charge like a G.U.Y
I'll lay down face up this time
Under you like a G.U.Y
I wanna be that G.U.Y.
Em Bm
I wanna be that G.U.Y.
A Bm C G
I wanna be that G.U.Y.
Em Bm A Bm C
The girl under you, G.U.Y.
I wanna be that G.U.Y.
Em Bm
I'll wreck you right up, G.U.Y
A Bm C G
I'll lie down face up, G.U.Y
Em Bm A Bm C
The girl under you, G.U.Y.
Play the outro (which is the same as the intro). OR you can play Bm all the way and the
last chord is a F#, which is played right at the end when the beat breaks down. You can
try to imitate that with the strumming.
Thanks! Hope y'all like it, pretty sure it's accurate.
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