6 Chords used in the song: C, Fmaj7, G, Dm, Am, Em
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Chords transposed Up 5 Half-steps. (Back to Original version)
Transpose chords:
Intro: F,A#maj7
Verse 1
F A#maj7
An old fairytale told me
F A#maj7
The simple heart will be prized again
F A#maj7
A toad will be our king
F A#maj7
And ugly ogres our heroes
Then you'll shake
Your fist at the sky
"Oh why did I rely
Gm C
On fashions and small fry?"
F A#maj7
All promises broken
F A#maj7
Feed your people or lose your throne
F A#maj7
And forfeit your whole kingdom
F A#maj7 C
I'd sooner lose it than still live in it alone
You were our golden child
But the gentle and the mild
F Gm C
Inherit the earth, while
F Gm Dm
Your prince's crown
A#maj7 F
Cracks and falls down
Gm C A#maj7
Your castle hollow and cold
F Gm C
You've wandered so far
A#maj7 F
From the person you are
Gm C A#maj7
Let go brother, let go
A#maj7 C A#maj7
Cos now we all know
Gm C Am A#maj7
Soon, someone will put a spell on you
Gm C Am A#maj7 Gm
Perfume, treasure, sorcery, every trick they know
Am C
You will lie in a deep sleep
That's when
F Gm Dm
Your prince's crown
A#maj7 F
Cracks and falls down
Gm C A#maj7
Your castle hollow and cold
F Gm Dm
You've wandered so far
A#maj7 F
From the person you are
Gm C A#maj7
Let go brother, let go
A#maj7 C F
Cos now we all know
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