6 Chords used in the song: Em, A, D, G, D6, F#7
View these chords for the Baritone
Transpose chords:
Em A
I'm the boy in your other phone
D G D6
Lightin' up inside your drawer at home all alone
Em A
Pushin' forty in the friendzone
D G D6
We talk and then you walk away, every day
Em A
Oh, you don't think twice 'bout me
D F#7 Em
And maybe you're right to doubt me, but
But if you give me just one night
G D6
You're gonna see me in a new light
Em A D
Yeah, if you give me just one night
G D6
To meet you underneath the moonlight
Em A D
Oh, I want a take two, I wanna breakthrough
G D6
I wanna know the real thing about you
Em A D
So I can see you in a new light
Em A
Take a ride up to Malibu
D G D6
I just wanna sit and look at you, look at you
Em A
What would it matter if your friends knew?
D G D6
Who cares what other people say anyway?
Em A D
Oh, we can go far from here
F#7 Em
And make a new world together, baby
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About this song: New Light
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