4 Chords used in the song: F, Am, C, Bb
View these chords for the Baritone
Transpose chords:
F Am C
Save up all the days
F Am C
A routine malaise
F Am C
Just like yesterday
I told you I would stay
Bb F C
Would you always
Bb F C
Maybe sometimes
Bb F C
Make it easy
Bb F C
Take your time
Think of all the ways
Momentary phase
Just like yesterday
I told you I would stay
Every time you try
Quarter half the mile
Just like yesterday
I told you I would stay
Would you always
Maybe sometimes
Make it easy
Take your time
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About this song: Two Weeks
Ed Droste told The Sun how Two Weeks came about: "Chris Bear (our drummer) and I were on a weekend trip to Cape Cod to play around with some song ideas and that one just came out of nowhere with Chris starting the piano line and myself quickly following with a vocal melody and lyrics." (Source Two Weeks Songfacts). The Intro of the song was used in the Peugeot 5008 commercial in Europe in november 2009.