5 Chords used in the song: A, F#m, Gmaj7, B7, Em
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Transpose chords:
You're a bleeding sunsetF#m
You're the midnight skyGmaj7
And I'm a Crashing wave on the shoreA
as my heart flutters byB7
you you you youA
I'm a raging riverF#m
Gonna swallow you wholeGmaj7
But when you hold me baby,A
I feel like there is still some hopeB7
for me me me me and youA
Everything is quietF#m
Before the stormGmaj7
I wish you could be thereA
Wish you could seeA
Everything is quietF#m
Before the stormGmaj7
I wish you could stay hereA
with meA
Your sky is bleedingF#m
Your sunset is fadingGmaj7
My waves are being swept awayA
as your heart misses mineB7
mine mine you are mineA
Everything is quietF#m
Before the stormGmaj7
I wish you could be thereA
Wish you could seeA
Everything is quietF#m
Before the stormGmaj7
I wish you could stay hereA
with me
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About this song: Before The Storm
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