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Where do I look when someone's serenading me, I look them in the eyes and it feels really awkward.Am I supposed to stare at him for the entire song? If I look away will he know I'm bored? Can't he just look beyond the horizon like a cowboy in a Foldgers commercial. Or close his eyes like he's feeling really deep so I can close my eyes like I'm going to sleep. Hey girl. Hey girl. Hey girl in the moonlight.Why doesn't he break eye contact? Doesn't he feel stupid singing at me like that? He plays guitar as well as me and that's not saying much. He sings like he's in 1983, like Richard Marx but tough. Hey girl. Hey girl. Hey girl in the moonlight *x2. Where do I look when someone's serenading me, I look them in the eyes and it feels really awkward. Hey girl in the moonlight.
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