Ukulele Tab without chords.

Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like on jupiter and mars
In other words, hold my hand. In other words, darlin' kiss me
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btw, if you're using this for the whole song and wanna do a high note for the last "please be true" just do 3-2-7 on the A string, and then for "in other words ily" 7-7-7-3-3, 7-7-7-3-3, 3-2-3 all on the A string too :) it sounds really nice if you just slide your finger up from 7 to 3 if you like that type of stuff too ! i love this tab sm i cant stop playing it lmao
12 Feb 2020

love it!! the lines being that uneven bothers me a tad but other than that it sounds great :)
09 Feb 2020

Top Tabs & Chords by Frank Sinatra, don't miss these songs!
About this song: Fly Me To The Moon
"Fly Me to the Moon", originally titled "In Other Words", is a song written in 1954 by Bart Howard. Kaye Ballard made the first recording of the song the year it was written. Since then, it has become a frequently recorded jazz standard often featured in popular culture; Frank Sinatra's 1964 version was closely associated with the Apollo missions to the Moon.Sinatra included the song on his 1964 album It Might as Well Be Swing, accompanied by Count Basie. Read more on