4 Chords used in the song: D, F#m, G, Em
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Transpose chords:
D F#m
[Verse 1]
Daydreaming, I stay in the backseat
F#m D
The slow beat rocks me back to sleep, keeps me on automatic
Pressed my face up close against the glass I see the people
F#m D
When they pass they move so automatic
You wake up when I go down
The radio reminds me I'm alive
We've been hearing it all night
G F#m
Come on now, don't let this go
G F#m
Don't let my love fade away
G F#m Em
People come and people go, but I
[Verse 2]
Lazy day, I'm so hungry
You melt me like a candle and a flame
But something is pulling you away
We've been stuck out here so long
My phone rings and reminds me I'm alive
And I'm feeling kinda high
G F#m
Come on now, don't let this go
G F#m
Don't let my love fade away
G F#m Em
People come and people go, but I
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About this song: Ghostride
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