6 Chords used in the song: D, Asus4, A, G, F#m, Bm
View these chords for the Baritone
Transpose chords:
STANDARD TUNING - NO CAPO (Scroll down for capo version)
D Asus4 A D
Scared of losing all the time
Asus4 A D
He wrote it in a letter
Asus4 A D Asus4 A
He was a friend of mine
D Asus4 A D
He heard you could see your future
Asus4 A D
Inside a glass of water
Asus4 A D Asus4 A
The ripples and the rhymes
(A) G A(several strums)
And he asked 'Will I see heaven in mine?'
D - Asus4 - A
D - Asus4 - A
D Asus4 A D
Oh that is just the way it was,
Asus4 A D
Nothing could be better,
Asus4 A D Asus4 A
and nothing ever was.
D Asus4 A D
Oh, they say you can see your future
Asus4 A D
inside a glass of water.
Asus4 A D Asus4 A
The riddles and the rhymes
Will I see heaven in mine?
A (several strums)
D F#m Bm G D F#m Bm G
Son, don't ask,
D F#m Bm G D F#m Bm G
Neither how full nor empty is your glass
D F#m Bm G D F#m Bm G
Cling to the mast
D F#m Bm G Asus4 G
Spend your whole life living in your past
A (several strums)
Going nowhere fast
D - Asus4 - A
D - Asus4 - A
D - Asus4 - A
D - Asus4 - A
D Asus4 A D
So he wrote it on a wall
Asus4 A D Asus4 A D Asus4 A
The hollow-est of halos is no halo at all
D Asus4 A D
Televisions selling plastic
Asus4 A D Asus4 A D Asus4 A
Figurines of leaders saying nothing at all
And we chimed, stars in heaven align
A (several strums)
D F#m Bm G D F#m Bm G
Son, don't ask,
D F#m Bm G D F#m Bm G
Neither how full nor empty is your glass
D F#m Bm G D F#m Bm G
Cling to the mast
D F#m Bm G Asus4 G
Spend your whole life living in your past
A (several strums)
Going nowhere fast
G - Asus4 - D - Bm - G - Asus4 - A
D - F#m - Bm - G - D
D - F#m - Bm - G - D
D - F#m - Bm - G - D
D - F#m - Bm - G - D (fade on D)
And what are we drinking when we're done?
Glasses of water.
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About this song: Glass Of Water
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