8 Chords used in the song: A, AM7, A7, D, F#m7, Bm7, E7, Db7
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Transpose chords:
A AM7 A7 D
I was dancin' with my darlin' to the Tennessee Waltz
A F#m7 Bm7 E7
When an old friend I happened to see
I introduced her to my loved one
A7 D
And while they were dancin'
A E7 A
My friend stole my sweetheart from me.
A Db7 D A
I remember the night and the Tennessee Waltz
A F#m7 Bm7 E7
Now I know just how much I have lost
A AM7 A7 D
Yes, I lost my little darlin' the night they were playing
A E7 A
The beautiful Tennessee Waltz.
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About this song: Tennessee Waltz
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