3 Chords used in the song: C9, Abmaj7, F9
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Transpose chords:
C9 Abmaj7 F9
C9 Abmaj7 F9
[Verse 1]
C9 Abmaj7 F9
It was dark and the moon was out
C9 Abmaj7 F9
I wore the prettiest dress and I couldn't
C9 Abmaj7 F9
wait to dance all night on the dancefloor
C9 Abmaj7 F9
I felt so beautiful, worth my sparkles
C9 Abmaj7 F9
Jenny drove us and we stole a bottle of wine from the basement
C9 Abmaj7 F9
[Verse 2]
C9 Abmaj7 F9
The minute I came and I saw you
C9 Abmaj7 F9
You were beautiful, the prettiest guy in the whole crowd
C9 Abmaj7 F9
Gorgeous beard with colourful ends, colourful ends
C9 Abmaj7 F9
Come on dance with me, come on, come on
C9 Abmaj7 F9
dance with me, give me a wink if you want me to faint
C9 Abmaj7 F9
And I know you want me Give me a wink if you want me to faint
C9 Abmaj7 F9
Come on dance with me, come on dance with me, give me a wink if you want me to faint
C9 Abmaj7 F9
And I know you want me, give me a wink if you want me to faint
C9 Abmaj7 F9
C9 Abmaj7 F9
[Verse 3]
C9 Abmaj7 F9
I heard your name was Dan I felt the words D A N
C9 Abmaj7 F9
Rolling in my mind and I licked my lips, while looking at you fly
C9 Abmaj7 F9
I wish you could see me, look at me, ask me to spend the
C9 Abmaj7 F9
whole night with you, on the dancefloor
C9 Abmaj7 F9
'Cause I crave you, I crave you, I crave you tonight
C9 Abmaj7 F9
C9 Abmaj7 F9
Come on dance with me, come on dance with me, give me a wink if you want me to faint
C9 Abmaj7 F9
And I know you want me 'cause you push me down tonight
C9 Abmaj7 F9
Come on dance with me, come on dance with me, give me a wink if you want me to faint
C9 Abmaj7 F9
And I know you want me, give me a wink if you want me to faint
C9 Abmaj7 F9
C9 Abmaj7 F9
C9 Abmaj7 F9
C9 Abmaj7 F9
[Verse 4]
C9 Abmaj7 F9 C9 Abmaj7 F9
You see I'm looking at you, you were beautiful
C9 Abmaj7 F9
Now I'm crying 'cause I know I can't kiss you I want our lips to touch, to burn
C9 Abmaj7 F9
Feel the pleasure in my skin, yeah, yeah, I'm the prettiest virgin
C9 Abmaj7 F9
Talk to me, look at me, can't you see I can't take it?
C9 Abmaj7 F9
I feel so lonely, I wish I could kiss you under the tables
C9 Abmaj7 F9
C9 Abmaj7 F9
Come on dance with me, come on dance, give me a wink if you want to me to faint
C9 Abmaj7 F9
and I know you want me, give me a wink if you want to me to faint
C9 Abmaj7 F9
and I know you want me, come on dance with me, come on dance with me
C9 Abmaj7 F9
Give me a wink if you want to me to faint and I know you want me
C9 Abmaj7 F9
Give me a wink if you want to me to faint and I know you want me
C9 Abmaj7 F9
I know you want me
C9 Abmaj7 F9
C9 Abmaj7 F9
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About this song: Prettiest Virgin
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