Popular Tab par Wicked

12 Accords utilisés dans la chanson: Am, D, G, C, F, Eb, Ab, Bb, Gm, A7, Dm, Bm

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Tablature / Chords (Chanson entière)

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Année:  2007
Tonalité: inconnuAccords
Am Am         D D            G G               C C
whenever i see someone less fortunate than i
Am Am D D G G F F
and let's face it, who isn't less fortunate than i?
F F Eb Eb C C
my tender heart tends to start to bleed.
Am Am D D G G C C
and when someone needs a makeover, i simply have to take over!
Ab Ab Bb Bb G G
i know i know exactly what they need!

Gm Gm C C
and even in your case,
A7 A7 D D
though it's the toughest case i've yet to face,
Gm Gm Bb Bb C C
don't worry, i'm determined to succeed!
F F Gm Gm
follow my lead,
and yes indeed, you will be...

F F C C Bb Bb F F
POPULAR! you're gonna be popular!
Dm Dm Am Am Dm Dm Am Am
i'll teach you the propper ploys, when you talk to boys,
Bb Bb C C F F
little ways to flirt and flounce, ooh!
A7 A7 Dm Dm
i'll show you what shoes to wear!
F F Bm Bm
how to fix your hair!
Bb Bb Gm Gm C C
everything that really counts to be...

F F C C Bb Bb F F
POPULAR! you're gonna be popular!
Dm Dm Am Am Dm Dm Am Am
you'll hang with the right cohorts, you'll be good at sports,
Bb Bb C C A7 A7
Know the slang you've got to know
D D Gm Gm C C F F
So let's start, cause you've got an awfully long way to go

Tab par , 18 avril 2012

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