Imagine Tab par John Lennon

7 Accords utilisés dans la chanson: Cmaj7, F, Am, Dm, G, C, E7

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Tablature / Chords (Chanson entière)

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Année:  1971
Tonalité: AmAccords et Tablature
Main riff :
C5 C5 (Cmaj7 Cmaj7) F F

Intro : Main riff x2

1st Verse :
C C (Cmaj7 Cmaj7) F F
Imagine there's no heaven
C C (Cmaj7 Cmaj7) F F
It's easy if you try
C C (Cmaj7 Cmaj7) F F
No hell below us
C C (Cmaj7 Cmaj7) F F
Above us only sky
F F - Am Am - Dm Dm - F F -
Imagine all the people
G G Gx
Living for today ah ah ahah

2nd verse:
C C (Cmaj7 Cmaj7) F F
Imagine there's no countries
C C (Cmaj7 Cmaj7) F F
It isn't hard to do
C C (Cmaj7 Cmaj7) F F
Nothing to kill or die for
C C (Cmaj7 Cmaj7) F F
And no religion too
F F - Am Am - Dm Dm - F F -
Imagine all the people
G G Gx
Living life in peace oh oh ohoh

F F - G G - C C - E7 E7 -
You may say I'm a dreamer
F F - G G - C C - E7 E7 -
But I'm not the only one
F F - G G - C C - E7 E7 -
I hope some day you'll join us
F F - G G - C C>let ring
And the world will be as one

3rd Verse:
C C (Cmaj7 Cmaj7) F F
Imagine no possessions
C C (Cmaj7 Cmaj7) F F
I wonder if you can
C C (Cmaj7 Cmaj7) F F
No need for greed or hunger
C C (Cmaj7 Cmaj7) F F
A A brother hood of man
F F - Am Am - Dm Dm - F F -
Imagine all the people
G G Gx
Sharing all the World oh oh ohoh

F F - G G - C C - E7 E7 -
You may say I'm a dreamer
F F - G G - C C - E7 E7 -
But I'm not the only one
F F - G G - C C - E7 E7 -
I hope some day you'll join us
F F - G G - C C>let ring
And the world will be as one

⇢ Cette tablature ne vous convient pas? Voir 21 autre(s) version(s)

Tab par , 28 janv. 2009

Commentaires (43)

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LePoy avatar
For me sounds better with Am 2-4-0-3 when doing F --> Am.
Am 2000 is too close to F 2010 and doesn't lift up the voice from F
Thus F Am Dm follows the voice
15 Mar 2025
JCUkelele avatar
Is a transition chord, when you change from C to F, you can play the transition chord.
16 Aug 2024
Goel_e_mas avatar
what does it means when it's between brackets?
14 Apr 2024
Sireruntalon avatar
mobile flag for CO(ISO2) (Bogota)
yo hago el rasgueo pulsando las cuerdas 1,2 y 4 en el primer tiempo de cada acorde seguida de la 3.

los otros tiempos del compás 1y 2 al tiempo luego la 3

al final el Rif A 0,1,2 para arrancar directo en c

el coro con 4 golpes abajo en cada acorde
28 Oct 2023
miatm avatar
Yo uso el rasgueo de:
12 Jun 2023
HELLO123456 avatar
flag for ES(ISO2) (marbella)
28 May 2023
gioialbi avatar
GX???? G7?
07 May 2023
Swed42069 avatar
how do you know the strumming pattern to this song
08 Feb 2023
yayy avatar
flag for AU(ISO2) (Melbourne)
Instead of G + Gx I use:
G (0-2-3-2)
+ G7* (modified with 0-2-1-3)
+ G7 (0-2-1-2)
17 Nov 2021
zzenittt avatar
11 Apr 2021
gillespieza avatar
I second changing the riff to A 0-1-2. It's easier on the fingers, and then you're straight into C
12 Dec 2020
JaxX avatar
mobile flag for DE(ISO2) (Berlin)
Thanks for your nice messages guys. I can't believe I posted this song almost 12 years ago, and it's still one of the most viewed tab here! O_o
13 Oct 2020
ukulaleplayer1323 avatar
can we get this song to the top of the most viewed on the beginners list it definitely deserves to be there
26 Aug 2020
Dedabazzu24 avatar
mobile flag for IE(ISO2) (Cork)
I personally continue with the riff the entire song apart from the chorus where I only play down strums (2 each chord). To me it really recalls the piano playing but maybe it's just me...
for the G2-3-4 I prefer playing it like this 'cause I can let my fingers on the F chord and just slide my middle finger on the G string... also, for beginners, if you put your fingers on the chord positions then even playing the riff would be easier
14 Aug 2020
Tkfw avatar
You can even add a g7 at the end after the G
28 May 2020
Tkfw avatar
When it comes to the part that says living for today do G B7 G7 because it sounds good.
28 May 2020
matkoninja avatar
intro sounds better fingerpicking C0 E0(together), G0 (repeat 3x) , A2 , G2, C0 E1(together), G2/G4
15 Jun 2019
Jett168 avatar
20 Mar 2019
serv9 avatar
Great song!
08 Mar 2019
Compte supprimé
Verses: plucking pattern: 421 then 3
chorus: dd du
08 Mar 2019
Spelican avatar
Great tab, thanks! But it would be nicer changing the G 2-3-4 to A 0-1-2....
08 Jan 2019
Alegriab avatar
mobile flag for MX(ISO2) (Nuevo Laredo)
29 Oct 2018
maangoTREE avatar
mobile flag for DE(ISO2) (München)
Pump + Island
13 Oct 2018
maangoTREE avatar
mobile flag for DE(ISO2) (München)
11 Aug 2018
traumer89 avatar
flag for US(ISO2) (North Canton)
For the opening is there a rule that is being broken by changing the G 2-3-4 to A 0-1-2 ?
28 Jul 2018
fanddingso avatar
El rasgueo es
C: down-G down-G down-G (G es la cuerda 4)
Cmaj7: down-G
F: down-G down-G down
Y después hacen en cuerda G traste 2-3-4
21 Jun 2018
ElTomi285 avatar
mobile flag for AR(ISO2) (San Luis)
What's the strum?
03 Jun 2018
StefanieS avatar
He was on to it ! One of the best songs ever written!!!
21 Apr 2018
RobynDaring avatar
flag for SE(ISO2) (Uddevalla)
I just recently started playing ukulele.. How do you strum for this, like how many strums on each chord and all that?
I'm reaaaaaally a beginner
05 Apr 2018
Mileshudgins avatar
mobile flag for US(ISO2) (Andover)
for the riff: if you strum instead of plucking two strings it gives it richer sound in my opinion.
11 Jun 2017
HighD avatar
flag for US(ISO2) (Cranberry. PA 16319)
Love this version. I play the main riff at the end x 2 and end with a C chord and it is perfect.
07 Jul 2016
calmel avatar
flag for NO(ISO2) (Eidsvågneset)
Whats with the Lyrics XXXXX's
17 Feb 2015
rebelrobis avatar
flag for LV(ISO2) (Riga)
Very good.
30 Dec 2013
andresantos avatar
Amazing tabs! I'm very happy, it's simple and special!
26 Oct 2013
ir3456 avatar
flag for US(ISO2) (Salt Lake City)
Something else to try on the verses

Cmaj7 (C) F
Imagine there's no heaven
26 Jul 2012
MarenHK avatar
Very good! I like it. It's not to hard to play either ;)
07 Jul 2012
Benpaco avatar
flag for US(ISO2) (California)
peace. la paix. paz. vrede. paqe. سلام. խաղաղություն. sülh. bakea. свет. শান্তি. мир. seere. pau. 和平. mir. mír. fred. rahu. kapayapaan. rauhu. paz. სამშვიდობო. Frieden. ειρήνη. શાંતિ. lapè. שלום. शांति. pace. 平和. 평화. pokój. miru. amani. శాంతి. امن. פרידן.
21 Nov 2011
bazilikan avatar
Misclicked my rating. It's good
15 May 2011
bazilikan avatar
Misclicked my rating. It's good
15 May 2011
bazilikan avatar
Miscliked my rating. It's good
15 May 2011
Willow01 avatar
flag for ES(ISO2) (Granada)
I didn't notice because I was playing with my Ukelele turn 1/2 step down...
05 Feb 2010
feebletoes avatar
Good Tab, But it's 1/2 step up from the real song.
26 Dec 2009
Willow01 avatar
flag for ES(ISO2) (Granada)
almost perfect
02 Dec 2009

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