Baby On Board Tab par The Simpsons

16 Accords utilisés dans la chanson: C, E7, A, A7, Dm, G, G7, D, D7, D9, Gdim, F, F#dim, B, Bb, G+

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Tablature / Chords (Chanson entière)

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Album:  inconnu
Tonalité: inconnuAccords
[C C] Baby on [E7 E7] board
[A A] How I've a[A7 A7] dored
That [Dm Dm]sign on my [A7 A7]car's window [Dm Dm]pa-[A7 A7]a-[Dm Dm]ane

A A [G G]bounce in my [G7 G7]step
[C C]loaded with [A7 A7]pep
'Cause I'm [D D]driving in the [D7 D7]car [D9 D9]pool [G G]la-[Gdim Gdim]a-[G7 G7]ane

[C C]Call me a [E7 E7]square
[A A]friend, I don't [A7 A7]care
That [Dm Dm]little yellow [A7 A7]sign can't be ig[Dm Dm]no-[A7 A7]o-[Dm Dm]ored

I'm telling [F F]you it's mighty [F#dim F#dim]nice
Each trip's a [C C]trip to [B B]par[Bb Bb]a[A A]dise
[A7 A7]With my [D7 D7]baby [G7 G7] [G+ G+]on [C C]board [G7 G7] [C C]

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Tab par , 01 avril 2014

Commentaires (4)

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Julitaricciardi avatar
strumming pattern?
30 Jan 2019
nachotte avatar
flag for AR(ISO2) (La Plata)
a very good tab!
24 Jul 2014
UkeNotDead avatar
flag for FR(ISO2) (Paris)
I don't speak english very good...but let's go...
At the end you must do G7 C G7 C ect...
But it's better to finish with a C....
24 Jun 2014
Varsass avatar
What's the G+ at the end ?
10 Apr 2014

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