No One Knows Intro and Riff Tab par Queens Of The Stone Age

Tablature Ukulélé sans accords.

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Album:  inconnu
Tonalité: inconnuTablature (sans accords)
0 1 2 3 4 5
# It's me again with another Q.O.T.S.A tab. As always,
# songs meant to be played on a normal guitar always sound kinda corny.

# Tabbed by
# Please rate and comment!

# Intro






# Main Riff



-------6---6---6-0-6-6------ -----------------------------
---------------------------- -----------------------------
-----7---7---7-------------- --9-9-9-9--11-11-11-0-11-0-11
---------------------------- -----------------------------

# After this, return back to the intro part and continue until
the chorus and the solo. I will tab those later. Until then, ENJOY!

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Laxstar avatar
flag for GB(ISO2) (Manchester)
The end of the intro could do with a bit of work. It's played using a harmonic.

And for the verse/main riff I'd suggest this:

-----3---3---3--3--------- x4 (Roughly)

Then, G Major x 8
Then, B Major x 8

Then back to the Intro riff, and so on.
I'd suggest watching PocketFox's version on youtube, it's correct.
11 Aug 2010

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