The Fairy Feller's Master-stroke Tab par Queen

12 Accords utilisés dans la chanson: Em, D, G, C, Am, B7, Dm, A, F, Bbm, B, Bb

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Album:  inconnu
Tonalité: inconnuAccords

(He's a fairy feller)

D D - G G - D D - G G - C C - G G - D D - G G - D D - C C - G G - Am Am

Am Am
The fairy folk have gathered round the new moon shine

B7 B7
To see the feller crack a nut at nights noon time

Em Em D D
To swing his ace he swears, as it climbs he dares

To deliver

Am Am B7 B7 Em Em
(The master stroke)

C C G G Am Am
Ploughman, "waggoner will", and types

C C G G Am Am Dm Dm A A
Politician with senatorial pipe - he's a dilly-dally-o

Pedagogue squinting, wears a frown

F F C C Dm Dm Am Am
And a satyr peers under lady's gown, dirty fellow

Dm Dm F F - G G
What a dirty laddio

C C G G Am Am
Tatterdemalion and a junketer

C C G G Am Am Dm Dm A A
There's a thief and a dragonfly trumpeter - he's my hero (a-ah)

F F C C F F C C F F C C Dm Dm
Fairy dandy tickling the fancy of his lady friend

Am Am
The nymph in yellow (can we see the master-stroke)

Dm Dm F F - G G
What a quaere fellow

D D - A A (x3)
D D - C C - B B

Am Am
Soldier, sailor, tinker, tailor, ploughboy

Waiting to hear the sound

Em Em D D
And the arch-magician presides

He is the leader

Am Am - B B - Em Em

C C G G Am Am
Oberon and Titania watched by a harridan

C C G G Am Am
Mab is the queen and there's a good apothecary-man

Dm Dm A A
Come to say hello

F F C C F F C C F F C C Dm Dm
Fairy dandy tickling the fancy of his lady friend

Am Am
The nymph in yellow

Dm Dm F F - G G
What a quaere fellow

C C G G Am Am
The ostler stares with hands on his knees

C C G G Am Am
Come on mr. feller, crack it open if you please

Dm Dm - Bb Bb - F F

Tab par , 27 nov. 2024

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