4 Chords used in the song: A, E, F#m, Bm
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Transpose chords:
[Verse 1]
A E F#m
Well I know you can never be certain
Bm A
It doesn't happen like this every single time
E F#m
When you find someone who feels useful
Bm A
It can kind of make you really wanna lose your mind
But I'm allowed to know
F#m Bm A
What's real what's unnecessary what's uncomplimentarary
E F#m
And I believe that on the contrary
It's the best thing that's ever happened to me
Take it slow take it easy
It doesn't happen like this every single time
When you find someone who feels useful
It can kind of make you really wanna lose your mind
E F#m
I'm an elementary school dropout
Bm A
I break the rules like every single time
E F#m
I'm the bad girl in the corner
Bm A
'Cause I can never get to school on time
Strum B throughout the short instrumental bridge...
[Verse 2]
A E F#m
Well sometimes I'm a difficult person
Bm A
You have to understand my brain is fried
E F#m
I'm pretty sure you're the only reason
Bm A
I ever tried to get myself in line
E F#m
Am I allowed to be so clear and so near
Bm A
Is it weird that I'm here I don't know
E F#m
They tried to teach me I didn't listen
Bm A
You know my grades were always pretty low
E F#m
I'm an elementary school dropout
Bm A
I break the rules like every single time
E F#m
I'm the bad girl in the corner
Bm A
'Cause I can never get to school on time
Take it slow take it easy
It doesn't happen like this every single time
When you find someone who feels useful
It can kind of make you really wanna lose your mind
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About this song: Elementary School Dropout
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