3 Chords used in the song: C, G7, F
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My Jesus Has Broad Shoulders
Recorded by the Wilburn Brothers
written by Teddy O'Neal
C G7 C
I took a long long walk by the river
G7 C
Had a quite peaceful talk with my Lord
He found my heart heavy with troubles
G7 C
But our talk seemed to lighten my load
My Jesus has broad shoulders
G7 C
His back is stronger than mine
He was there the first time I called Him
G7 C
He'll be there anyplace anytime
G7 C
Now it's true that I've still got some troubles
G7 C
But since Jesus and I had our talk
I found peace of mind and contentment
G7 C
I'm so glad in his presence to walk
Repeat #2
G7 C
So I peek on the right road to heaven
G7 C
For the way that He showed me is clear
And no matter what happens tomorrow
G7 C
If I need Him I know He'll be there
Repeat #2
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