3 Chords used in the song: C, F, G7
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It Looks Like The Sun's Gonna Shine
Recorded by the Wilburn Brothers
written by Andrew Eddings
Oh it looks like the sun's gonna shine shine shine
F G7
Since you've said you'd be mine
The dark clouds are gone and the blue skies are mine
G7 C
And it looks like the sun's gonna shine
Well I got up this morning and singing a song
F G7
I ain't been singing for so doggone long
Feel like I'm rich though I ain't got a dime
C G7 C
And it looks like the sun's gonna shine
Repeat #1
With every sunrise since you came my way
F G7
I've got my world's gonna have a pretty day
With your arms around me I'm feeling so fine
C G7 C
And it looks like the sun's gonna shine
Repeat #1
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