3 Chords used in the song: C, G7, F
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Make My Heart Die Away
Recorded by the Wilburn Brothers
Written by Glen Johnson
[3/4 time]
C G7
I slowly turned crazy when I lost your love yesterday
And when it was over the smile in my life passed away
Now I'm dead all over but my heart just won't let me lie down
For it lives on in misery and keeps me up walking around
And it's not right for this heart to keep falling
Tormenting itself everyday
So tonight while I lay me down to weep
G7 C
Won't you please make my heart die away
I don't fear the darkness I won't feel the chill from the grave
For I've lost all feelings and the dead have no fear anyway
Don't bring me your flowers don't bring back the cold love you gave
Just grant me this blessing and please make my heart die away
Repeat #2 For it's...
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