14 Chords used in the song: F#, C#, B, F, C, Dm, Am, Em, Bbm, G#m, D#m, G#, F#m, D
View these chords for the Baritone
Transpose chords:
F# C# F# C#
Make it work
Make it easy
F# C#
Make it clever, craft it into pieces
Make it sweet
Crimp the edges
B F# C#
Or make it sour and serve with lemon wedges
Even doubt
Can be delicious
F# C#
And it washes off of all the dirty dishes
When it's done
I can smile
B F#
It's on someone else's plate for a while
F# B
I'll place it on display
B F# C#
And then I'll slice and serve my worries away
I can fix this
C F Dm
I can twist it into sugar, butter covered pieces
C# C
Never mind what's underneath it
F Am
I have done it before
C Dm C C# Dm
I'll bake me a door to help me get through
Em F
I learned that from you
F Bbm F# C# F#
Mama, it's amazing what baking can dooooooooo
C# F#
Make it up
And surprise them
F# C#
Tell them all my secrets but disguise them
B G#m F#
So they dance on the tongue
G#m D#m B
Of the very people that they're secrets from
B F#
Make it soon
Make it better
C C#
Though, better never lasts forever
G# B G#m B C#
I'll make it small so it fits . . . .
Even this . . .
F# B
Even now . . .
B C# F# G#m Bbm B
Even as the walls come tum--bling down
B F# C# B
Even as I can't stop remembering how
B C# F# C# Bbm B B
Every door we ever made, we never once walked out (Ooo Ooo Ooo)
B G#m B C# D#m F#m D#m
Something I never got the chance to ask her about
F# C#
So with flour on my hands
C# B
I'll show them all how
F# C# F# F Am C Em
Goddamn happy I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam
Dm F Dm
Sugar, butter, flour
F D Dm C F C
Don't let me dooooooooooooown!
F Am C F
Let's see the next amazing thing baking does now
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