8 Chords used in the song: F#, B, C#, D#m7, G#, E, Bb, Bbm
View these chords for the Baritone
Transpose chords:
F# B
Lay by my side, and we'll sail away
C# F#
Off to the shores of another day
D#m7 G#
All set to go once I hear you say
E C#
Goodnight my friend, until the morning
F# B
Up we will float as we close our eyes
C# Bb
Stars all around us like fireflies
D#m7 G#
Just me and you drifting through the skies
E C# F#
Goodnight my friend
Bbm B
Not a thought
C# B C#
Not a care
Bbm D#m7
Resting safe and sound
G# E C#
With each other there
F# B
And so we'll rock on a nighttime ride
C# F#
Cozy and warm on the rolling tide
D#m7 G#
Till we arrive on the morning side
E C# F# G#
Our journey's end
Sleep tight
D#m7 G#
We're gonna be all right
E C# F#
Goodnight my friend
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About this song: Goodnight My Friend (Galavant TV serie)
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