7 Chords used in the song: F, Am, Dm, Bb, C, Gm, Eb
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Transpose chords:
Intro: F
Under your wheels, the hope of spring
Mirage of loss, a few more things
You left your sorrow dangling
Bb C
It hangs in air like a school cheer
Complex notes inside the chords
On every wall inflections carved
Deep as lakes and dark as stars
Bb C
Remember we were the volunteers.
Bb Am Bb
(Oooooo) Courts knew this and nothing more
Am Bb F
(Oooooo) Now it's my rights versus yours
Under your wheels, your hopeless reign
You fall too hard, we're up too late
We hang suspended from the heights
Bb C
Until it's safer to walk here
Under your wheels, your chance is with
The easy call, the called-off search
The medicine, it still won't work
Bb C
But there's dangerous levels of it here
Bb Am Bb
(Oooooo) Same thing as the other time
Am Gm
(Oooooo) But now it's your rights versus mine
Bb F Gm
The truth in one free afternoon
Bb F
The truth in one free afternoon
C Dm
Under my wheels the chance is held
Am Bb
Gave me to save me from myself
C Dm Bb
Spectacles painted with my shaking hand
C Dm
Fingers in paints, in paints we brought
Am Bb
Thinking we'd leave them when we're not
C Dm Bb
Flying the flags of new empires in rags
The new empire in rags
Bb F
The truth in one free afternoon
A new empire in rags
Bb F
The truth in one free afternoon
A new empire in rags
Bb F
The truth in one free afternoon
A new empire in rags
Bb F
The truth in one free afternoon
Under your wheels, the fits and starts
The time to dabble in the arts
To tease the packs of dogs in charge
Bb C
But kid it's all wasted on me
Under your wheels, the hope of spring
Mirage of loss, a few more things
The medicine it still won't sing
Bb C
But there's dangerous levels of it here
F Am
F Am Gm
Your rights over my rights now
We came to the right place.
F Am
Your rights over my rights now
F Am Gm
Your rights over my rights now
We came to the right place.
F Am
Your rights over my rights now
F Am
Your rights over my rights now
F Am F Am F
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About this song: My Rights Versus Yours
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