4 Chords used in the song: Gm, D#, F, C#
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Transpose chords:
Gm D#
Elevator straight into my skull
Gm D#
The escalator rises as it falls
F D#
I swear our chant is crashing in my mind
F Gm
You can hold on but I wouldn't waste your time
D# Gm
Farewell my black balloon
D# Gm
Farewell my black balloon
Gm D#
I've stood in a thousand street scenes
Gm D#
Just around the corner from you
F D#
On the edge of a dream that you have
F Gm
Has anybody ever told you it's not coming true
D# Gm
Farewell my black balloon
D# Gm
Farewell my black balloon, the weather had it's way with you
D# Gm
Farewell my black balloon, the weather had it's way with you
D# F
Farewell my black balloon
Gm, F, Gm, F, D#, C# and Gm
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About this song: Black Ballon
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