Hozier ukulele tabs

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70 songs (20 tabs and 50 chords)

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There are 70 Hozier Ukulele tabs and chords in database

Hozier Albums

Biography Hozier

Born on St. Patrick's Day and hailing from County Wicklow, Hozier was raised on the building blocks of popular music: rhythm and blues, soul, jazz and the deep dark stuff stretching from Chicago to the Delta. He joined his first band when he was 15 years old, fronting a soul band with some older heads. Taught himself to play guitar and piano, and went to Trinity College to study music. Whilst there, he bagged a seat on the flight deck of the symphonic B-52 that is the Trinity Orchestra, fronting their missions into the world of classic rock. Read more about Hozier on Last.fm.

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