8 Chords used in the song: Dm, Asus4, E, G, Em, Am, C, F
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Transpose chords:
Intro: Dm, Asus, Asus, Asus (muted high E)
Dm G
Please will you wake up,
Em Am
Open your eyes,
Dm G Em Am
It's the first day of a new life, you'll see,
Dm G
Cotton at the windows,
Em Am
Pollen as the wind blows,
Dm G Em Am
It's the first day of a new life with me,
Dm G
Soft as your skin is,
Em Am
Why so hard to let me in?
Dm G Em Am
You're the one I want to be,
Am C
Why do you turn away?
Am C G
You are the one who asked me to stay,
Am F G
You are my home,
Am F G
You are my home,
Dm G Em Am
You are my home,
Dm G Em Am
Dm G
Trailing in the train rails,
Em Am
Going where the wind blows,
Dm G Em Am
You are young, you are wild, you are free,
Dm G
Sleeping by a green lake,
Em Am Dm G
Em Am
Every breath is at stake when you're the one I want to be,
Am C G
How did you forget my face?
Am C G
Oh, how did you forget my name?
Am F G
When you are my home,
Am F G
You are my home,
Dm G Em Am
You are my home,
Dm G Em Am
Dm G Em Am x2
Am F G
You are my home,
Am F G
You are my home,
Am F G
You are my love,
Am F G
You are my love,
Dm G
Trailing in the train rails,
Em Am
Blowing where the wind blows,
Dm G Am
You're young, you are wild, you are free.
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