5 Chords used in the song: Em, G, C, D/F#, Am
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Chords transposed Up 1 Half-step. (Back to Original version)
Transpose chords:
# Intro Fm G# C# G# D#/F#
I had a dream
Strange it may seems
C# G#
It was my perfect day
Open my eyes
I realize
C# G#
This is my perfect day
Fm G#
Hope you never grow old
C# G#
Hope you never grow old
Fm G#
Hope you never grow old
C# G#
Hope you never grow old
Fm G# C# G# D#/F#
Birds in the sky
They look so high
C# G#
This is my perfect day
I feel the breeze
I feel that is
C# G#
It is my perfect day
Fm G#
Hope you never grow old
C# G#
Hope you never grow old
Fm G#
Hope you never grow old
C# G#
Hope you never grow old
A#m Fm
Forever young
I hope you stay
Fm G#
Forever young
Fm G# C# G# D#/F#
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