8 Chords used in the song: C, G, Am, Em, E, F, G7, Dm
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Transpose chords:
Oh, yeah, [C]I'll tell you [
G]something, [
Am]I think you'll under[
Then [C]I say that [
G]something: [
Am]I want to hold your [
[F]I want to [
G7]hold your [
Am] [
F]I want to [
G7]hold your [
Oh, please, say to me, you'll let me be your man,
And please, say to me, you'll let me hold your hand.
Now let me hold your hand, I want to hold your hand!
[Dm]And when I [
C]touch you I feel [
F]happy in[
[Dm]It's such a [
C]feeling that my [
F]love I cant [
[F]I can't [
G]hide, [
F]I can't [
Yeah you, got that something, I think you'll understand.
When I feel that someting, I want to hold your hand!
I want to hold your hand! I want to hold your hand!
{c:German words the Beatles sung 1962:}
Oh Du bist so schvn, schvn wie ein Diamant.
Ich will mit Dir geh'n, komm gib mir Deine Hand!
Komm gib mir Deine Hand, komm gib mir Deine Hand!
Oh komm doch, komm zu mir, Du nimmst mir den Verstand!
Oh komm doch, komm zu mir. Komm gib mir Deine Hand!
Komm gib mir Deine Hand, komm gib mir Deine Hand!
In Deinen Armen bin ich gl|cklich und froh.
Das war noch nie bei einer andern einmal so,
einmal so, einmal so.
Oh Du bist so schvn...
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About this song: I want to hold your hand
"I Want You (She's So Heavy)" is a song by The Beatles, from their album Abbey Road. It was written by John Lennon (with some creative input from Yoko Ono), although it is credited as a Lennon/McCartney collaboration. The song is an unusual Beatles composition for a variety of reasons, namely its length (nearly eight minutes), its disproportionately small number of lyrics (only fourteen different words are sung)...