6 Chords used in the song: Em, Esus2, C, D, G, D7
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Transpose chords:
Oh, well I know you stroke the set-up baby,
Esus2 C D
of all the leaves up in the ground
And I know your song is old but heavy
Esus2 C D
as I see dry leaves fallin' down, oh
With all this fever in my mind, I could drown in your kerosene eyes, oh
You're just a riddle in the sky
D7 Em Esus2 C D
Where do my bluebirds fly?
And as the early sigh of dawn will thunder
I see you stir the fog around
And when you find the voice and gears of sunset
we'll hear that high and lonesome sound, oh
And I will question every wind
if they've gone through the glow of your eyes, oh
You're just a riddle in the sky
Where do my bluebirds fly?
Where do my bluebirds fly?
Oh, well I know you stroke your feathers baby
upon the ghosts along my trail
And I know well I was sold and buried
before I knew it was for sale, oh
With all this fever in my mind
I should aim for your kerosene eyes
Oh, you're just a target in the sky
Where do my bluebirds fly?
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About this song: Where Do My Bluebirds Fly
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