10 Chords used in the song: D, Bm, G, F#, C#m, A, Eb, F, C, B
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Transpose chords:
Tuning: Standard
Main riff notes: ABD DBA ABDD
D Bm G D
There's a stain on my notebook where your coffee cup was
D Bm G D
And there's ash in the pages, now I've got myself lost
D Bm G D
I was writing to tell you that my feelings tonight
D Bm G D
Are a stain on my notebook that rings your goodbye . . .
Bm F#
Now she's gone, and I'm back on the beat
C#m A
A stain on my notebook says nothing to me
Now she's gone and I'm out with a friend (out with a friend)
With lips full of passion and coffee in bed
D Bm G D
With the way that you left me I could hardly contain
D Bm G D
The hurt and the anger and the joy of the pain
D Bm G D
Now knowing I am single there'll be fire in my eyes
D Bm G D
And a stain on my notebook for a new love tonight
[solo] -- chords during solo: Eb A G A, ending on D.
A B D E F# A A B D (F# E) D Eb (Eb chord)
[F G] Bb (F# G) F# Eb G F Eb (D Eb D C) Bb A (A chord)
G A Bb C F Eb Eb F (C D) F (C D) C# C Bb A F F# G (G chord)
A B C# D E F# G A B (B C#) E B A G A (A chord)
(A B) A G F# D A G F# A B D. (D chord)
Now she's gone and I'm out with a friend (out with a friend)
With lips full of passion and coffee in bed
D Bm G D
From lips without passion to the lips with a kiss
D Bm G D
There's nothing of your love that I'll ever miss
D Bm G D
The stain on my notebook remains all that's left
D Bm G D
Of the memory of late nights and coffee in bed
D Bm G D
Of the memory of late nights and coffee in bed
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