4 Chords used in the song: D, F#m, E, C#
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View these chords for the Baritone
Transpose chords:
D F#m
We like you
This is a game already won
The time has come
Stop trying
D F#m
We like you
This is a game already won
The time has come
Stop trying
D C#
Take a break
F#m E
You must be tired from the strain
D C#
Take a break
F#m E
And let us carry your pain
D C#
Please, slow down
F#m E
You are making my head spin
D C#
Please, slow down
F#m E
You have all I have to give
# [Chorus]
D C#
You don?t know
F#m E
You have everything you need
D C#
You won?t grow
F#m E
till you get down on your knees
D C#
Say goodbye
F#m E
and do not dissect your life
D C#
Say goodbye,
F#m E
there?s no need to 'pologize
# Chorus
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About this song: Stop Trying
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