7 Chords used in the song: Cm, A#, Gm, G#, Fm, G, D#
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Cm A#
suranganawee mage handak wage paayala
Gm G# Cm
hithe thiyena adare as dekema liyavila //
Fm A#
me thram heenayak na ithin lan wela
Gm G# Cm
saththamai aadare thatu aran igilila //
[Verse 1]
G Fm
sina senna adaren ihe mal pipe mage
A# Gm Fm / Cm
hithin winda wedana kohedo giye lande
G Fm
sina senna adaren ihe mal pipe mage
A# Gm Cm
hithin winda wedana kohedo giye.......
D# Fm
me thram heenayak na ithin lan wela
A# D#
saththamai aadare thatu aran igilila
A# Fm Gm
raa gommane guli wela thani wemin
A# G# Gm Cm
me adare vinda gamu sundari
[Verse 2]
G Fm
mage punchi palpathe pahanamai oya sande
A# Gm Fm Cm
nivi yanna denne na diwrami sada priye
G Fm
mage punchi palpathe pahanamai oya sande
A# Gm Cm
nivi yanna denne na diwrami sada......
D# Fm
me thram heenayak na ithin lan wela
A# D#
saththamai aadare thatu aran igilila
A# Fm Gm
raa gommane guli wela thani wemin
A# G# Gm Cm
me adare vinda gamu sundari
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About this song: Suranganawi Mage
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