6 Chords used in the song: Gm, F, Cm, C, D, A#
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Gm F
nuhuru nethu dal ira sithaka sithuwam wela
Cm F Gm
ma paarana tharam adare hangum rahase
Gm F
nadunana adare senehe liyakam mawa
Cm F Gm
man mula u tharam adare hangum ahase...
[Verse 1]
sihina manasa wile
F Gm
gilunu induwara kakule
man duraka vee bala..
D Cm Gm
hindimi pipena thura
pethi matha athura
senehasaka rata
F Gm
mama man mula wela
[Verse 2]
sanhidunu jeewithe
F Gm
dewlowaki man thale
pipemi mama pethi vida
D Cm Gm
dineka nubema wela
dothinma nela
surakimi samada
F Gm
mage aadaren wela
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About this song: Induwari (t.drama Theme Song)
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