7 Chords used in the song: F, Dm, Gm, C, C7, Bb, Am
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|F |- |Dm |- |
|Gm |- |C |- |
|C7 |- |
F Dm
Seetha maruthe welemin as diha balan
Bb F C
oba mata adare kiyu mathakaya heenayak wage
F Dm
atha meedume didulana punsandak wage
Bb F C
eliyai e hangum hithe obamai jeewithe mage
[Verse 1]
F Dm Bb C
Dale gangulallak sema seethai hitha boma
F Dm Bb C
dore yai sithuwili sena adarayen pengila
Am Bb Gm C
jeewithaye sathutai ma dutuwe
Am Bb Dm C
sagaraye gamburai e hangume
[Verse 2]
F C Bb C
Yahane thani yahane pena heenen ingi pana
F Dm Bb C
ra thun yama oya as pana ma musapath karana
F Dm Bb C
Yahane thani yahane pena heenen ingi pana
F Dm Bb C
ra thun yama oya as pana ma musapath karana
Am Bb Gm C
adaraye mihiren ma niwune
Am Bb Dm C
e asure aruthin ma ipade
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About this song: Seetha Maruthe Welemin
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