17 Chords used in the song: D, G, A, Bm, Em, Am, D7, F#m, A7, C, Ab, Bb7, Eb, Bb, Cm, Fm, Gm
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You Made Me Stronger
Regine Velasquez
Intro: D-G-A-Bm-
Is it hard to believe I'm okay?
Em Am
After all, it's been awhile
D7 G
Since you walked away
I'm way past crying
Em A7
Over you finding someone new
You turn my days into night
Bm G
But now I see the light
Em F#m C-A7
And this may be a big surprise to you
(But/Cause) You've made me stronger
G A7
By breaking my heart
You ended my life
G A7
And made a better one start
You've taught me everything
From falling in love
To letting go of a lie
Em F#m
Yes, you've made me stronger
G A7 D-G-A-Bm-G-A7
Baby, by saying goodbye
If you'd rather believe I'm not over you
Bm Am
Go ahead, there's nothing wrong
D7 G
With making believe
F#m Em
I know, cause I used to pretend
You'd come back to me
But time has been such a friend
Bm G
Brought me to my senses again
Em F#m
And I have you to thank
For setting me free
(Repeat Chorus except last line)
Baby, by saying goodbye
Bm G
Think again
Em A7
Don't feel so sorry for me, my friend
Bm G
Oh, don't you know
Em A7
I'm not the one at the losing end
(Repeat Chorus moving chords 1/2 stephigher)
except last line)
Ab Bb7
Baby, by saying
Eb Ab Bb
You made me stronger by saying goodbye
You ended my life
Ab Bb
And made a better one start
You've taught me everything
Ab Bb
From falling in love
To letting go of a lie
Fm Gm
Yes, you've made me stronger
Ab Bb Eb-Ab-Eb Cm
Baby, by saying goodbye, goodbye
Fm Gm
Yes, you've made me stronger
Ab Bb Eb Cm-Bb-Eb
Baby, by saying goodbye
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