11 Chords used in the song: Fmaj7, Dm7, Gm7, G7, Em, A7, E7, Am, Am7/G, Am6/F#, C
View these chords for the Baritone
Transpose chords:
Fmaj7 Dm7 Gm7
Among the fields of straw and stover,
Clocked in 'til the work day's over.
Em A7 Dm7 E7
Time's a gentle stream, longer than it seems.
Am Am7/G Am6/F#
Patient is the night.
Fmaj7 Dm7 Gm7
Oh, how I long to see her face now-
Her starry moonlit gaze now.
Em A7
I know she's never late,
Still anxiously I wait.
Am7/G Am6/F#
Patient is the night.
Fmaj7 Dm7
Gm7 G7
Em A7 Dm7 E7
Am Am7/G Am6/F#
Fmaj7 Dm7
Gm7 G7
Em A7
I know she's never late,
Still anxiously I wait.
Am7/G C
Patient is the night.
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