8 Chords used in the song: Am, E, Dm, F, C, Gm, A, G
View these chords for the Baritone
Transpose chords:
Am E
There's a part of me you'll never know
Am E
The only thing I'll never show
Dm Am
Hopelessly, I'll love you endlessly
Dm F
Hopelessly, I'll give you everything
But I won't give you up
I won't let you down
Gm A Dm
I won't leave you falling
If the moment ever comes
Am E
It's plain to see, it's trying to speak
Am E
Cherished dreams forever asleep
Dm Am
Hopelessly, I'll love you endlessly
Dm F
Hopelessly, I'll give you everything
But I won't give you up
I won't let you down
Gm A Dm
I won't leave you falling
If the moment ever comes
Repeat: Hopelessly...
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