Citizen Erased Uke tab by Muse

4 Chords used in the song: Am, G, F, E

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Year:  2001
Key: AmChords
# The little guitar fill played when the song goes quiet after
# first chorus.
Am Am

# G G

# F F

# E E

# This is the first half of the fill. The second half cannot be
# played correctly on the ukulele. You can repeat this for the
# second half, but if you want to add variation, you can
# substitute any note you like on the A A string as long as the
# first A A string note of each line is played correctly

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Uke tab by , 12 Jul 2011

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RobotMom avatar
Very nice job! Especially for something originally played on a 7-string :)
17 Jan 2013

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About this song: Citizen Erased

'Citizen Erased' is the sixth track from Muse's second studio album 'Origin of Symmetry'. At 7 minutes 21 seconds, it is one of Muse's longest songs. The song was first played live on the 12th February 2001, and the guitar intro was originally played on keyboard. The piano outro was introduced around April 2001, and a different riff in the solo section was introduced during the Absolution tour. The song is enormously popular among Muse's fan base, but is still fairly rare inclusion in recent Muse sets.

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