6 Chords used in the song: G#, D, E, F#, B, C#
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Transpose chords:
G# D
G# D G#
I get mean when I'm nervous like a bad dog
I get mean when I'm nervous like a bad dog
F# G#
I want to jump into blue water
And I miss riding horses, I miss running fast
G# D
I miss riding horses, I miss running fast
I was meant for running fast
F# G# D G# D
I pretended you were mine, it made me calm, babe
G# D G#
I am cruel, I am gentle, I can make you laugh
I am cruel, I am gentle, I can make you laugh
I've loved many boys, I've loved many girls
G# D
I don't think about the past, it's always there anyway
G# D
Don't think about the past, always there anyway
E F# E
And I will never die, I will never die, I will never die
F# B
I will never die, I will never die, I will never die
C# G# D G# D G#
I will never die, I will never die
D G#
I've preemptively blocked all the exits
I've preemptively blocked all the exits
F# G# D
So I will burn in this movie theater, hey
G# D G# D E F#
G# D G# D G# D G# D
G# D
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