5 Chords used in the song: Bb, F/A, C, Dm, F
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Transpose chords:
Bb F/A
Village is dead
Gemini panic
Quick out of bed
C Bb
Shuttle to Gatwick
Noodles for breakfast
Terrible tickets
I hate your tracksuit
C Bb
Sister, I missed this
[Pre-Chorus 1]
Flying, I'm flying, I'm flying with you on my shoulder
Dm C
Only one jacket, fine, you can have it, you're older
Bb F/A C
Land at 11, straight to 42nd, it's colder
Dm C
And we're dancing down the street
Bb F
If you're looking, if you're looking for the girl of your dreams
C Dm C
She's in Brooklyn with me, she's in Brooklyn with me
Bb F
If you're looking, if you're looking for the girl of your dreams
C Dm C
She's in Brooklyn with me, she's in Brooklyn with me
[Verse 2]
Bb F/A
Give you an earphonе
Sleep on the last bus
What happened in Harlеm?
C Bb
Don't even ask us
Sushi and a fake ID
You're Katie from Michigan
Wing woman
"He's fit, go for it"
Dm C Bb
But we wouldn't ever leave a sister behind
Bb F
If you're looking, if you're looking for the girl of your dreams
C Dm C
She's in Brooklyn with me, she's in Brooklyn with me
Bb F
If you're looking, if you're looking for the girl of your dreams
C Dm C
She's in Brooklyn with me, she's in Brooklyn with me
Bb F
If you want to take her out, you're gonna have to ask me first
Come on, have you seen those eyes?
Dm C
It's nothing but the best for her
Bb F
Oh, if you're looking, if you're looking for the girl of your dreams
C Dm C
She's in Brooklyn with me, she's in Brooklyn with me
[Pre-Chorus 2]
Bb F/A C
Flying, I'm flying, I'm flying with you on my shoulder
Dm C
Only one jacket, fine, you can have it, you're older
Bb F/A
Mum's in the car, she parked pretty far
I'm laughing, I told ya
Dm C
I miss you already
Bb F
If you're looking, if you're looking for the girl of your dreams
C Dm C
She's in Brooklyn with me, she's in Brooklyn with me
Bb F
If you're looking, if you're looking for the girl of your dreams
C Dm
She's in Brooklyn with me, she's in Brooklyn with me
Bb F
And if you want to take her out, you're gonna have to ask me first
Come on, have you seen those eyes?
Dm C
It's nothing but the best for her
Bb F
Oh, if you're looking, if you're looking for the girl of your dreams
C Dm C
She's in Brooklyn with me, she's in Brooklyn with me
Bb F
If you're looking, if you're looking for the girl of your dreams
C Bb
She's in Brooklyn with me, she's in Brooklyn with me
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About this song: Brooklyn
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