3 Chords used in the song: F, Em7, G
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Transpose chords:
Verse I
F Em7 G
lightning crashes, a new mother cries
F Em7 G
her placenta falls to the floor
F Em7 G
the angel opens her eyes
the confusion sets in
Em7 G
before the doctor can even close the door
F Em7 G
lightning crashes, an old mother dies
F Em7 G
her intentions fall to the floor
F Em7 G
the angel closes her eyes
the confusion that was hers
Em7 G
belongs now, to the baby down the hall
Strum differently.
F Em7 G F
oh now feel it comin' back again
Em7 G F
like a rollin' thunder chasing the wind
Em7 G F
forces pullin' from the center of the earth again
Em7 G
I can feel it
Verse II
F Em7 G
lightning crashes, a new mother cries
F Em7 G
this moment she's been waiting for
F Em7 G
the angel opens her eyes
pale blue colored iris
presents the circle
and puts the glory out to hide, hide
F Em7 G F
oh now feel it comin' back again
Em7 G F
like a rollin' thunder chasing the wind
Em7 G F
forces pullin' from the center of the earth again
Em7 G
I can feel it
F Em7 G
I can feel it
F Em7 G
I can feel it.
I'm not sure on the bridge
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About this song: Lightning Crashes
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